Thursday, February 11, 2016

Chris and Carissa's Sweetheart Story

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we wanted to talk about one of the amazing couples we know through our organization, and crazily enough, who met because of First Downs and the Down Syndrome Guild! This prom King and Queen, Chris and Carissa, are in fact dating!

This is them.
Carissa and Chris- Halloween.jpg

Fairy tale couple right?

The beginning of their journey together reads like it’s right out of a storybook. Their first encounter was at our wine auction in 2012. Both of them were scheduled to talk about the Kansas City Down Syndrome Guild’s prom, which the proceeds of the wine auction go towards every year. When Chris first saw her, he was enamored. “When we first met, I was amazed how beautiful she looked and she took my breath away.”

Talk about Prince Charming! It wasn’t one sided though. Carissa was just as interested after spending the majority of the event talking with Chris. After the night was over, Carissa remembers telling her mom that “I had met the most wonderful man ever and hoped I would get to see him again!”

With a little help from Carissa’s mom and Chris’ sister, the couple got back in contact through Facebook. After a month of talking to each other, they set up their first date for dinner and a movie. Chris remembers working on conversation starters with his sister because he had the first date jitters. But when he got there, all the prep wasn’t necessary; with Carissa leading the way, they had an amazing first date night together!

Carissa & Chris II.jpg

Now, the couple is going on 4 years together. They love going to movies together, eating out at restaurants, bowling, going to dances, and as Carissa put it, “just being together.”  Another special something that brings them together is their shared love of sports.

Both of them participant in Special Olympics; Chris is an avid swimmer, often medaling in his swim events while Carissa participates in bowling, swimming, basketball, softball, track and field, tennis, and bocce. This Valentine’s Day, they’re planning their festivities around a basketball tournament. But they definitely have plans.


“We’re planning to go out for dinner and a dance,” said Carissa. “I want to take him out for dinner and give him a Valentine’s Day card.” Chris, or Mr. Wonderful as Carissa calls him, isn’t quite sure what to get his girlfriend quite yet. “Let’s just say I’m a sweet and perfect boyfriend. Just sometimes I don’t know what to get her!”

Wherever they decide to go and whatever Chris decides on for a present, we’re excited to see these two happy together! We hope the happy couple and all of the lovebirds out there will have a lovely Valentine’s Day.


  1. I don't know Chris, but I'm sure he is wonderful, but I've known Carissa since she was born!!! And she's perfect!!So happy for both!! Happy ValentinesDay!!!!
